Friday, December 8, 2006

Making money with free websites

Today’s topic is about creating money for free. This site is hosted for free at I highly recommend setting up your own free blog and then using Google Adsense to post ads on it. You will receive money for page views as well as when people click on the links that are targeted to what your blog is about. My blog is about making money so to the right you'll see ads about making money. If my blog was about motorcycles then you'd see ads for motorcycles sites. It's a great way to get targeted ads that your viewers are likely to click on. To sign up for your free Google Adsense account click on the link in the lower right hand corner. I also encourage you to click on the ads to the right if you see something that interests you.

If you've never set up a website or blog before, don't be scared, they make it so easy even a caveman could do it. (my apologies to any cave men out there)

So once you have your site up you now need to generate hits so you can bring in the cash right? right! So here's a web site I've found that will help you generate traffic. The best part is it's free. They also offer referral bonuses so you can generate even more hits on your site. The website is called AutoHits here is a link you can also find the link in the bottom right hand corner of my blog and at This is a great way to generate traffic to your site so sign up now!


Anonymous said...

after signing up with adsense how is payment arangements made? will the company you advertise for pay you or will google make the payment? and in what form of payment.

will you be able to findcompanies via adsense that are related to any possible blog topic?

im new to this and want to get started.
Nice blogspot.

Anonymous said...

i notice your ads are text only, do some companies use picture ads. i think the pics would draw more attention to visitors if i see a picture of a company avatar. or what not, i will automatically click without having to read.
How would you adress this situation?
Thany you

Anonymous said...

can you blogspot be customized manuallly? for example can i use creative texts and graphic pictures?